Google Search Tips

Like many of you, Google is the first place I turn to when I need to start looking for information. Here are some tips that you can use to refine your search strategy – making it easier and faster to find the information that you are after.

  • Use broad search terms first, and then refine it down. This allows you to see what’s out there first.

  • Use the tabs to filter out irrelevant info. I love using the 'News' tab, plus then filtering down to country and time.

  • If you want to find out about bicycles in Singapore, use the Google Singapore site to get more local content.

  • Always choose the Google Advanced Search option. Here you can choose words that you don't want to appear or choose multiple keywords, or decide on how many records you want to appear on the page.

  • If you're looking for a phrase, always put speech marks around the words you are hunting for, e.g. "market research”.

  • Need a definition of what MRSA stands for? Try typing define: MRSA.

  • Maybe you just need PDF's on grasshoppers. Try searching by using grasshoppers filetype:pdf. Other formats such as docx, ppt or xls will work just as well.

  • Think about the syntax that authoritative websites will use. Using the word 'headache' is likely to get you more useful info than "sore head".

Google doesn't have all the good info, but it's a great place to start. If you still can't find the information you need, then please email me ( or Tel: 027 4393-795 for some free advice - no strings attached.